Coffee shop headshot



Welcome to my portfolio! I’m Shiara, a marketing and communications expert with 10 years of professional writing and editing experience. I provide compelling copy for purposes of content creation and marketing products, services, and concepts to a target audience.

Whether you’re a small business looking to increase profit margins, a mid-size company without a dedicated writer, or a corporation looking to connect associates through internal pieces focused on corporate citizenship, I can create the prose that reflects your identity, inspires readers, and helps you achieve your branding goals.


Lead Editor & Copywriter

Select Clients

Successful Acquisition: IBM Buys Apptio for $4.6 billion

When Apptio recruited my services, they were owned by a hedge fund and the goal was to be acquired by a corporation within five years.

With no dedicated writer at the time, they were hitting roadblocks in their marketing. Content copy lacked fluidity, messages were confusing, and engagement was struggling as a result.

I worked across teams to help form a cohesive, accessible voice that carried through all content and short form marketing, driving growth and helping to achieve the ultimate goal of acquisition in half the time expected.

Read this Forbes article to learn more about the acquisition

Other Works…

Fashion and styling are great passions of mine

An academic piece and my first publication, circa 2017

Uplifting work

A fictional piece, exciting work to come

The foundation of my writing and all of the principles I follow for my craft are rooted in academia

Coming Soon…